Friday, 20 April 2012

Hunger Games: Popple-Brown, The Space Weiner & All Those Extras...

Let me start off by saying that I really don't hate either the Hunger Games book or film. I watched the film first and then read it... this is, I think, the new way to experience stuff. Why? Because THIS way round, if you enjoy the film - you'll REALLY enjoy the book. I refuse to be one of those pissy, moany cunts who continuously say things like "urgh, the book is so much better, the book goes into so much more detail, the book, the book, the boook, the booooook..." SHUT UP! of COURSE the book is better!?! Give me ONE example of a book NOT being better than the film that was made from it? Don't be so fucking stupid... and on that note, I'll continue... 
Let me start, properly, by saying that in my head I can't really tell these three apart. When I watched Hunger Games I was like "oh yeh that's the girl from 'A Series of Unfortunate Events' & 'Narnia'... which I now know to be complete bollocks... I'm sure you can tell me why and how they look so different but I'm sorry - same dough-eyed expression, same hair colour (at least at one point), same slightly moony face. Meh. They are the same to me. All good, by the way.  I thought Miss Jennifer Popple-Brown (as I'll call her) did a pretty decent job of Katniss. HOWEVER, I have serious issue with the casting choice of that LITTLE weiner from that terrible sequel to Jumanji (ZATHURA) that I saw too many years ago... Urgh.. I hate that little dick. He always looks like you're just about to shoot his cat. Not a fan. Peeta is supposed to at least be likeable... Perhaps if I hadn't watched that 'straight-to-video' mess of a sequel I wouldn't have such strong opinions on how much I hate him. He probably did a good job. who knows.
I'm not going to ramble on about the fact that the movie drops out the majority of the survival elements of the book. The extreme thirst for food and water because, let's be honest, it would be pretty shit to watch a film that had lots of footage of that. There's enough action in the storyline to keep the tempo up and eliminate the extremeties of that element of it. We get it, they would be hungry and thirsty.. let's move on.

When I first watched the film (so, before I'd read the book) I was interested to find out more about the other tributes that were in the tournament. I got a bit frustrated by the mere glimpses we had of some of them - because call me sadistic but I was well aware that they'd all get killed but I at least wanted to get some small information about some others so the kills would actually have an impact on me. Neither the movie or the book provided this for me. I assume that was because both are supposed to be from the perspective of Katniss, and realistically she wouldn't have bothered to get to know all about the majority of people that she knew would have to die for her to win... but still, seeing as the movie seemed to be more from the perspective of the Capitol and it's presenters - you'd have thought we could learn at least a BIT more about the others... nevermind - I guess they were all fucked anyway...

SO - HERE ARE MY VIEWS OF ALL THE TRIBUTES (both the important ones & the extras)
District 1 - Luxury
Strange picture of these two. Glimmer doesn't look half as decent as she does on film & Marvel (who is apparantly the love child of Meg Ryan & Dennis Quaid) doesn't look half as shit...
There's about as much 'luxury' in their outfits as there is on Julian Clary. I wanted Glimmer to last longer than she did but her death scene was pretty fucking cool. Marvel, meh.

District 2 - Masonry
These two were really good. OK SO they look like terrible child costumes for the movie Gladiator but over-all and compared to the rest they haven't got off too badly.. I'm not entirely sure why they made Cato out to be such a pussy at the end of the film. There was no need for his monologue. It would've been better if he'd stayed more mysterious..

District 3 - Electronics
Ahh the mini megan fox that has the extreme close-up of her face after she dies in the cornicopia. I swear everyone else in the audience (myself included) looked at her face and thought "rrrr, that's more of a shame because she was pretty" - I think that boy is the bomb expert one but I might be wrong.

District 4 - Fishing
Dont remember the girl in the slightest but the boy.. I'm pretty sure I speak for everyone when I say that no-one expected him to last more than 5 seconds. He looks like the sort of kid that would steal someone elses 'class milk' & then bite the supply teacher...

District 5 - Power
That ginger girl was quality! FoxFace they call her in the book. Brilliant. She really deserved a better death than the one that was given to her. I actually was secretly rooting for her to win the event over Katniss or Peeta. She was nifty! Look how pissed off Boy #5 looks to have that silver thing on his head. Ahahaha.

District 6 - Transportation
Can someone please explain to me how the fuck that represents 'transportation'..

District 7 - Lumber
Lumber, paper, yeh, I get it. Don't remember these two either. i think I saw the girl in the training room at one point. Boring.. next...

District 8 - Textiles
AHAHAHA! Look at their costumes. Ahhh you must be the carney district...

District 9 - Grain
Look it's the bitchy girl in school who stabs you with a pen and then cries herself, and some small asian dude... I'd be gutted if I was representing the 'Grain' district. how lame does that sound?

District 10 - Livestock
I think I've officially seen their hats in EVERY costume or joke shop I've EVER been too.. The boy looks like he should've done better than he did. I dont remember him so he must've died early.

District 11 - Agriculture
OHH WOW THEY'RE BOTH BLACK, THAT MEANS THE WHOLE DISTRICT MUST BE BLACK.. OOOOH HOW RACIST - fuck off.. it's a coincidence. stop making a big deal out of nothing. I hate people who say that sort of thing. PS. Rue was well cast.

District 12 - Coal Mining
Oh it's those two. The couple from District "Blatant-Favouritism". Yawn.

I'm looking forward to the sequel. I read ahead & have high hopes for it. I especially want to see some of the old granny tributes with low-hanging boobs in latex for the chariot scene. BEAUT! HA!

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